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A new generation of professional TSCM software


RadioScout is an advanced Spectrum Monitoring, TSCM, SIGINT and Telecom Test software program that interfaces with multiple manufacturer’s receivers and spectrum analyzers.
These are main features:

Efficient, effective, 24×7 electromagnetic spectrum monitoring and high speed signal of interest capture;

Performs a wide range of radio spectrum monitoring and control tasks from electromagnetic field measurements to electronic countermeasures;

Easy, automated operation and expert manipulation of results from the measurement of the electromagnetic spectrum;

Saving of results (saving spectrum data calculations with the ability to reproduce panoramic displays from saved data) using amplitude, frequency, time, and geo-location references;

Saving IQ data and performing vector analysis in real-time with wide-band (up to 8 MHz depending on spectrum analyzer) for unlimited time intervals;

Working with major brands of spectrum analyzers, communications and surveillance receivers from: Rohde & Schwarz, Agilent, Tektronix, Advantest, Anritsu, Aeroflex/IFR, AOR, ICOM and more. RadioInspector software is constantly expanding its support for new equipment;


Blvd. Vía Atlixcáyotl No.5208, Torre JV III, Piso 21 "A", Col. San Martinito, San Andrés, Cholula, Puebla, C.P. 72830, México

Tel.: +52-(1)-222-248-46-35



Skype: varus-info


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